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BusinessEurope on Covind-19: clarifications on situation in Italy

BusinessEurope (a confederation representing companies of all sizes in the European Union and seven non-EU European countries. The members of the confederation are 40 national industry and employer organizations), based on input from Confindustria, sent a communication to the members of the confederation. In the light of the recent measures taken by the italian government about Covid-19 emergency, in the communication are shown important clarification on cross-border workers and goods transport, as well as a news article reporting about the necessity to continue business operations despite the lockdown of certain regions.  

Cross-border workers

Restrictions put into effect do not affect those who must travel for well-grounded work-related reasons, unless they are subject to quarantine measures or tested positive for Covid-19. Cross-border workers may enter and exit their area of residence to reach their workplace and go back to their home. Cross-border workers may provide evidence of their reason for entering and exiting their area of residence by any means, including a personal statement to be given to the police, when asked to do so.
Transporting goods
Goods may enter and exit the areas mentioned in the decree. Transporting goods is considered as a well-grounded work-related reason for moving: carriers may therefore enter and exit as well as move within the affected areas, but only for delivery and/or collection purposes.